Synchronous Generator : Concepts - 1

Induced E.M.F in synchronous Generator:

e = B l v volts

B = flux density Wb/sqm
v = velocity (m/s) of movement
l = length of conductors in meters.

Frequency of Synchronous Generator:

The frequency of the voltage generated is given by

f = NP/120

where P is the total number of poles and N is the speed in r.p.m.

Breadth factor of Synchronous Generator:

(Kb) = Voltage obtained in multi-slots winding / Voltage obtained if the windings were all concentrated in one slot

Thus breadth factor is always less than unity.

Kb= (sin δ n/2 )/ (π sin δ/2)

where n is the number of slot and is the slot pitch.

Pitch factor of Synchronous Generator:

Shortening the pitch of the coil has the same effect as the distribution of the winding. When the turns of the windings do to span a complete pitch there occurs a slight loss in the induced emf. A pitch factor ( Kp ) is given by

Kp = cos θ/2

for a coil which extends over (180° - θ) instead of 180°.

Magnitude of Induced emf in alternators / phase:

ERMS = 4.44 Kp Kb φ f.T. volts

Synchronous Reactance:

Xs = XL + XA

XL = Leakage reactance;
XA = Armature reactance.

Synchronous Impedance:

Zs = (R2 + X2s )1/2


(1) Open Circuit Characteristics of Synchronous Generator:

Synchronous Generator terminal voltage vs Current
(Magnetisation Curve).

(2) Short Circuit Characteristics of Synchronous Generator:

Synchronous Generator : Short Circuit Characteristics
(Terminal Voltage vs Current)

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