Digital Electronics - A.K.SINGH

Electrical Machines, Drives And Power Systems - Theodore Wildi

Electrical Machines , Drives and Power Systems 6th Edition, authored by Theodore Wildi, is a comprehensive book for students who require a theoretical, practical and multidisciplinary approach to studying modern electric power.

Fundamentals Of Electric Drives - El-Sharkawi Mohamed A.

This text fills a need for a textbook that presents the basic topics and fundamental concepts underlying electric machines, power electronics, and electric drives for electrical engineering students at the undergraduate level. Most existing books on electric drives concentrate either on converters and waveform analysis, or on motor characteristics.

Network Analysis and Synthesis - M. E. Van Valkenburg

This book Network Analysis, covers core concepts that are faced by those are amateurs as well as intermediate in the field of electrical engineering.

Digital Fundamentals - Thomas L. Floyd , R. P. Jain

Digital Fundamentals is a comprehensive book for undergraduate electronics engineers. The book discusses the basics of digital electronics, helping students understand how the technology evolved. It teaches students about using real devices to learn the topics, and to work their way through the technology in a practical setting. It couples lucid explanations with clear illustrations and diagrams to help students understand the topics better. 

Handbook Of Power System Engineering - Yoshihide Hase

This book brings together comprehensive technical information on power system engineering, covering the fundamental theory of power systems and their components, and the related analytical approaches.

Fundamentals of Digital Logic With VHDL Design - Stephen Brown

Fundamentals of Digital Logic with VHDL Design teaches the basic design techniques for logic circuits. The text ptovides a clear and easily understandable discussion of logic circuit design without the use of unnecessary formalism. It emphasizes the synthesis of circuits and explains how circuits are implemented in real chips. Fundamental concepts are illustrated by using small examples, which are easy to understand. Then, a modular approach is used to show how larger circuits are designed.