Management Science- A.R. ARYA SRI

"A Aryasri has been teaching Management Science to the engineering students of JNTU for the last two decades. He has published many research papers both in national and international journals. He organises executive development programmes to promote industry -- institute interaction and entrepreneurship."

Table of Contents
1. The concepts of Management, Administration and Organisation
2. Functions of Management
3. The Evolution of Management Thought
4. Basic Issues in Organisation
5. Managerial Objectives
6. Plant Location and Plant Layout
7. Productivity and Production
8. Work Study
9. Statistical Quality Control
10. Materials Management
11. Marketing: Concepts and Functions
12. Human Resource Management
13. Functions of Human Resource/ Personnel Manager - I: Manpower Planning
14. Functions of Human Resource Personnel Manager - II
15. The Corporate Planning Process
16. Environmental Scanning and Swot Analysis
17. Strategy Formulation and Implementation
18. Project Management - I: Programme Evaluation and Review Technique (PERT)
Critical Path Method (CPM)
19. Project Management - II: Cost Analysis and Project Crashing

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