Electronic Devices And Circuits Theory - BOYLSTED

This book was initially published in 1972 and has been a highly accurate and easily comprehensible university level text throughout the modern period of electronics and computer revolution.

Starting with semiconductor diodes and diode applications, the book systematically progresses from one chapter to another. It provides a thorough understanding of fundamental concepts like diodes and transistors before tackling the higher level topics like Bipolar Junction Transistor (BJT) devices, and Field-Effect Transistor (FET) devices.
In addition to that, it deals with various other topics like Feedback and Oscillator Circuits, Power Supplies, other Two-Terminal Devices, and PNPN and other devices. It also reflects on the growing importance of operational amplifiers in today's market. Along with the basics of designing FET amplifier networks, all the typical configurations of JFET and MOSFET circuits has also been examined.

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