Principles of Control Systems- BAKSHI

Principles of Control Systems is a comprehensive book for undergraduate students of engineering. The book comprises of chapters on electric network, mathematical modeling of systems, feedback control system characteristics, system stability analysis and compensation design, Nyquist criteria and stability margins, and control system components.

Table of Contents

Concept of Electrical Network
  • Introduction : Open loop and closed loop systems
  • Basic structure of a feedback control system.
  • Dynamic Models and Responses :
  • Dynamic model of an RLC network
  • State variable model
  • Impulse response model
  • Transfer function model
  • Standard test/disturbance signals and their models
  • Transfer function model and dynamic response of a second electrical system.
Mathematical Modelling of Systems
  • Basic units of a feedback control system
  • Reduction of system block diagrams
  • Signal flow graphs
  • Mason's gain rule
  • Block diagram reduction using Mason's gain rule
  • Error detector
  • Block diagram model of a typical control system using simplified sub-system
  • Transfer function blocks.
Feedback Control System Characteristics
  • Stability
  • Sensitivity
  • Disturbance rejection
  • Steady state accuracy
  • Transient and steady state responses of a second order system.
  • Effect of additional zeros and pole locations and dominant poles
  • Steady state error constants
  • System type numbers and error compensation.
System Stability Analysis and Compensation Design
  • System stability bounds
  • Routh stability criterions
  • Relative stability and range of stability
  • Root locus concept
  • System characteristic equation
  • Plotting root loci.
Nyquist Criterion and Stability Margins
  • Nyquist stability criterions
  • Nyquist plot
  • Gain and phase margins
  • Bode plot and magnitude and phase and determination of stability margins.
Control System Components
  • Transfer function approach
  • D.C. Servomotors
  • Synchros
  • Stepper motor.

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