Electric Power Generation, Transmission and Distribution - S.N.SINGH

          This book provides a comprehensive coverage of electric power generation, transmission and distribution, including the operation and management of different systems in these areas. It gives an overview of the basic principles of electrical engineering and load characteristics and provides exhaustive system-level description of several power plants, such as thermal, electric, nuclear and gas power plants.

         The book fully explores the basic theory and also covers emerging concepts and technologies. The conventional topics of transmission subsystem including HVDC transmission are also discussed, along with an introduction to new technologies in power transmission and control such as Flexible AC Transmission Systems (FACTS). Numerous solved examples, inter-spersed throughout, illustrate the concepts discussed.

Table of Contents

Preface to the First Edition
1. Introduction
2. Sources of Electric Energy
3. Basic Principles
4. Load Characteristics and Economic Aspects
5. Steam Power Plants
6. Hydroelectric Power Plants
7. Nuclear Power Plants
8. Gas Power Plants
9. Diesel Engine Power Plants
10. Transmission Line Parameters (Constants) Calculations
11. Analysis of Transmission Lines
12. Insulators for Overhead Transmission Lines
13. Design of Transmission Lines
14. Corona and Radio Interference
15. Insulated Cables
16. HVDC Transmission and Facts Technology
17. Distribution Systems
18. Power Substations
19. Grounding Systems
20. Power System Restructuring

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