Digital Electronics - A.K.SINGH

Electrical Machines, Drives And Power Systems - Theodore Wildi

Electrical Machines , Drives and Power Systems 6th Edition, authored by Theodore Wildi, is a comprehensive book for students who require a theoretical, practical and multidisciplinary approach to studying modern electric power.

Fundamentals Of Electric Drives - El-Sharkawi Mohamed A.

This text fills a need for a textbook that presents the basic topics and fundamental concepts underlying electric machines, power electronics, and electric drives for electrical engineering students at the undergraduate level. Most existing books on electric drives concentrate either on converters and waveform analysis, or on motor characteristics.

Network Analysis and Synthesis - M. E. Van Valkenburg

This book Network Analysis, covers core concepts that are faced by those are amateurs as well as intermediate in the field of electrical engineering.

Digital Fundamentals - Thomas L. Floyd , R. P. Jain

Digital Fundamentals is a comprehensive book for undergraduate electronics engineers. The book discusses the basics of digital electronics, helping students understand how the technology evolved. It teaches students about using real devices to learn the topics, and to work their way through the technology in a practical setting. It couples lucid explanations with clear illustrations and diagrams to help students understand the topics better. 

Handbook Of Power System Engineering - Yoshihide Hase

This book brings together comprehensive technical information on power system engineering, covering the fundamental theory of power systems and their components, and the related analytical approaches.

Fundamentals of Digital Logic With VHDL Design - Stephen Brown

Fundamentals of Digital Logic with VHDL Design teaches the basic design techniques for logic circuits. The text ptovides a clear and easily understandable discussion of logic circuit design without the use of unnecessary formalism. It emphasizes the synthesis of circuits and explains how circuits are implemented in real chips. Fundamental concepts are illustrated by using small examples, which are easy to understand. Then, a modular approach is used to show how larger circuits are designed.

Power System Analysis: Short-Circuit Load Flow and Harmonics - J.C.DAS

This text presents extensive calculations of short-circuit currents in AC and DC systems. It combines theoretical and practical aspects of load flow and harmonic analyses to provide a sound knowledge base for modern computer-based studies that can be utilized in real-world applications.

Fundamentals of Industrial Instrumentation and Process Control- William C. Dunn

Instrumentation technicians work on pneumatics, electronic instruments, digital logic devices and computer-based process controls. Because so much of their work involves computerized devices, they need an extensive knowledge of electronics, and most have degrees in electronics technology. Most textbooks in this area are written for four year institutions and lack the practical flavor that is needed in technical schools or community colleges.

Electric Power System Basics for the Nonelectrical Professional - Blume Steven W Blume

This book explains the essentials of interconnected electric power systems in very basic, practical terms, giving a comprehensible overview of the terminology, electrical concepts, design considerations, construction practices, operational aspects, and industry standards for nontechnical professionals having an interest in the power industry. From generation to household wiring, this book explains it all in easy-to-understand terms.

Refrigeration and Air Conditioning - C.P.ARORA

Refrigeration and Air Conditioning is a complete reference for undergraduate students in Mechanical, Aerospace or Automobile Engineering streams. The book requires a basic knowledge of Thermodynamics for understanding the subject context. It extensively covers the principles and various parts of refrigerators and air conditioners, dealing with the latest developments. 

Pulse and Digital circuits - millman and taub

The 8051 Microcontroller - Kenneth Ayala

The comprehensive coverage of this book includes an introduction to embedded systems, an overview of microprocessors and microcontrollers, and a review of number systems and their arithmetic. The 8051, along with its architecture, ports, peripherals, interfacing, and programming, is described in full detail with numerous examples.

Advanced Microprocessors And Peripherals - K Bhurchandi , A.K. Ray

The book introduces basic theory, concepts, and designs and explains it through practical application.
There are various concepts that have been explained through discussions using programming and interfacing examples such as those using assembly language. The book begins with the root concept about the processors and moves on to instruction and assembler directives. There are also references made to the architectural characteristics of the programming language and the related aspects.

Basic Fluid Mechanics And Hydraulic Machines - BS publications

Principles of Power System - VK MEHTA

First Multicolor Illustrative Edition including Generation, Transmission, Distribution, Switchgear and Protection. For B.E./B.Tech., AMIE and other Engineering Examinations.

Digital Design - M Morris Mano Michael D Ciletti

Digital Design is a comprehensive text for students in an undergraduate course in computer science. The book covers the basics of digital system design, explaining the concepts of computer logic. The book explains binary logic and Boolean algebra, helping readers understand how machines think.

Foundation of Switching Theory and Logic Design - AK Singh

This comprehensive text fulfills the course requirement on the subject of Switching Theory and Logic Design for B. Tech degree course in Electronics Engineering of Jawaharlal Nehru Technological University, Hyderabad and other Technical Universities of India. It will also serve as a useful reference book for competitive examinations. All the topics are illustrated with clear diagram and simple language is used throughout the text to facilitate easy understanding of the concepts.

control of machines - S. K. Bhattacharya

Control of Machines is one of the most important functional areas for electrical and mechanical engineers working in industry. In this era of automation and control, every engineer has to acquaint himself on the design installation, and maintenance of control systems. This subject must find its place as a compulsory applied engineering subject in degree and diploma curriculum.


The topics covered are, progressively, Circuit Concepts, Circuit Laws, Higher-order circuits and Complex Frequency, Two port Networks, The Laplace Transform Method and Circuit Analysis Using Spice and PSpice, to name a few. The step-by-step instructional method is especially targeted at helping students in their exams. The book is an appropriate reference and guide book for Circuit Theory, Linear Circuits and Systems and Electric Circuit Fundamentals courses, among others.


This is the ideal English grammar guide for several competitive examinations like Bank PO, RBI, Railway Recruitment, NDA, CDS, IES, MBA, and Hotel Management exams. 



comprehensive dictionary of electrical engineering

Electrical Circuit Theory and Technology - John Bird

Electrical Circuit Theory and Technology is a fully comprehensive text for courses in electrical and electronic principles, circuit theory and electrical technology. The coverage takes students from the fundamentals of the subject, to the completion of a first year degree level course. Thus, this book is ideal for students studying engineering for the first time, and is also suitable for pre-degree vocational courses, especially where progression to higher levels of study is likely. 

Switching And Finite Automata Theory- Zvi Kohavi and Niraj K. Jha

Understand the structure, behaviour, and limitations of logic machines with this thoroughly updated third edition. Many new topics are included, such as CMOS gates, logic synthesis, logic design for emerging nanotechnologies, digital system testing, and asynchronous circuit design, to bring students up-to-speed with modern developments.


Digital electronics - Hilary. D. Brewster

Digital Electronics is a concise introduction to the principles of modem digital electronics from basic logic elements to analog-to-digital converters. This book provides practical and comprehensive coverage of digital electronics, bringing together information on fundamental theory, operational aspects and potential applications.

Fundamentals of Electric Circuits - Sadiku N O Mathew , Charles K Alexander

Salient Features
  • Six step problem solving methodology
  • Comprehensive application oriented problems
  • Applications of PSPICE and MATLAB throughout the book.

A Textbook of Electrical Technology - R.K.RAJPUT

BasicEelectrical Eengineering - U.A.bakshi And V.A.BAKSHI

Engineering Electromagnetics - W H Hatt , J A Buck

Engineering Electromagnetics teaches fundamental concepts and problem solving from their theoretical conception to their practical realizations. Numerous analogies and illustrations are provided to aid the reader in grasping the concepts with ease.

Electronic Devices And Circuits - K LAL KISHORE

Electronic Devices and Circuits - salivahanan

This book is meant for the undergraduate students of Electronics, Electrical, Instrumentation and Computer Science Engineering for the courses on Basic Electronics/Electronic Devices and Circuits. It gives detailed description of the operation and characteristics of modern active and passive electronic devices. Logical organization of the chapters, simple language, wide variety of problems with their step by step solutions for every concept makes this book a perfect offering on the subject.

Management Science- A.R. ARYA SRI

"A Aryasri has been teaching Management Science to the engineering students of JNTU for the last two decades. He has published many research papers both in national and international journals. He organises executive development programmes to promote industry -- institute interaction and entrepreneurship."

Design With Operational Amplifiers And Analog Integrated Circuits - Sergio Franco

Franco's "Design with Operational Amplifiers and Analog Integrated Circuits, 3e" is intended for a design-oriented course in applications with operational amplifiers and analog ICs. It also serves as a comprehensive reference for practicing engineers. This new edition includes enhanced pedagogy (additional problems, more in-depth coverage of negative feedback, more effective layout), updated technology (current-feedback and folded-cascode amplifiers and low-voltage amplifiers) and increased topical coverage (current-feedback amplifiers, switching regulators and phase-locked loops).


This book blends academic precision and practical experience in an authoritative introduction to basic principles of digital design and practical requirement in both board-level and VLSI systems. Reflection over twenty years of experience in both industrial and university settings, the author covers the most widespread logic design practices while building a solid foundation of theoretical and engineering principles for students hat helps in their progress in this dynamic field.

Principles of Electrical Machines - V.K.MEHTA

Principles Of Electrical Machines contains information on the concepts that form the foundation of electrical machines. It is ideal for novices in the field and engineering students looking to gain a clear understanding of the subject. Those who are striving to become electrical engineers will also find the theories and concepts explained in a clear and lucid language.


Designed primarily for courses in operational amplifier and linear integrated circuits for electrical, electronic, instrumentation and computer engineering and applied science students. Includes detailed coverage of fabrication technology of integrated circuits.

Design of Rotating Electrical Machines

In one complete volume, this essential reference presents an in-depth overview of the theoretical principles and techniques of electrical machine design. This book enables you to design rotating electrical machines with its detailed step-by-step approach to machine design and thorough treatment of all existing and emerging technologies in this field. Senior electrical engineering students and postgraduates, as well as machine designers, will find this book invaluable. In depth.

Electronic Devices And Circuits Theory - BOYLSTED

This book was initially published in 1972 and has been a highly accurate and easily comprehensible university level text throughout the modern period of electronics and computer revolution.

Principles of Control Systems- BAKSHI

Principles of Control Systems is a comprehensive book for undergraduate students of engineering. The book comprises of chapters on electric network, mathematical modeling of systems, feedback control system characteristics, system stability analysis and compensation design, Nyquist criteria and stability margins, and control system components.

Power Electronics: Circuits, Devices and Applications with SOLUTION MANUAL - M.H.RASHID

This text covers the basics of emerging areas in power electronics and a broad range of topics such as power switching devices, conversion methods, analysis and techniques, and applications. Its unique approach covers the characteristics of semiconductor devices first, then discusses the applications of these devices for power conversions. Four main applications are included: flexible ac transmissions (FACTs), static switches, power supplies, dc drives, and ac drives.


The book provides an integrated treatment of continuous-time and discrete-time systems for two courses at undergraduate level or one course at postgraduate level. The stress is on the interdisciplinary nature of the subject and examples have been drawn from various engineering disciplines to illustrate the basic system concepts.

Power System Protection P.M.ANDERSON

Table of Contents

Protective Devices and Controls
• Introduction
• Protection Measurements and Controls
• Protective Device Characteristics

Electric Power Generation, Transmission and Distribution - S.N.SINGH

          This book provides a comprehensive coverage of electric power generation, transmission and distribution, including the operation and management of different systems in these areas. It gives an overview of the basic principles of electrical engineering and load characteristics and provides exhaustive system-level description of several power plants, such as thermal, electric, nuclear and gas power plants.

Power System Stability And Control - PRABHA KUNDUR

Power System Stability and Control by Prabha Kundur is especially designed for engineering professionals in the power industry. The book provides the reader with information on all the important concepts of the power system like how to operate power systems and how to generate plants. This book is useful to operators as well as planners of networks and systems.

A Textbook of Electrical Technology (Volume - 3) - B. L. Theraja

A Textbook of Electrical Technology (Volume - 3) - B. L. Theraja consists of D.C. Transmission and Distribution

A Textbook of Electrical Technology : AC and DC Machines (Volume - 2) - B. L. Theraja

This volume covers AC and DC Machines. It provides clear explanations and elaborates on every concept related to the subject. Each chapter consists of several examples, exercises, and multiple colorful illustrations as aids to understanding the topics covered.

A Textbook of Electrical Technology : Basic Electrical Engineering in S. I. Units (Volume - 1) - B. L. Theraja

A Textbook of Electrical Technology : Basic Electrical Engineering in S. I. Units (Volume - 1) By A.K. Theraja and B.L. Theraja covers elaborate textual matter and comes in a multi coloured edition to help both the students of electrical as well as for students aspiring for any other branch of engineering.

A Modern Approach To Verbal & Non-Verbal Reasoning- RS AGGARWAL


Published in the year 2012, A Modern Approach To Verbal & Non-Verbal Reasoning is a book that is geared towards enabling its readers to better their reasoning abilities and crack this section in competitive examinations.