Rectifier and Converter: Concepts - 2


The rotary converters, also known as synchronous converters are rotating machines for converting an a.c. supply to d.c. or vice versa. Such machines have constructional features similar to dc machines with stationary field magnet system and a rotating armature carrying a double lap or wave winding. The winding is connected to a commutator upon which the brushes are connected to the dc terminals. Also at the opposite end of the armature to the commutator are slip-rings connected to tapping in the armature winding and the brushes on these rings are connected to the ac terminals.

The supply on the ac side may be 1, 3, 6 or 12 phase. Accordingly the number of slip rings may be 2, 3,6 or 12. The no load ratio of the voltage Ea between successive slip rings (i.e. the armature phase voltage) to the commutator voltage Ed is

Ea / E= 1 / (√ (2 ) ) sin (π / N )


N is the number of slip rings.

Basic Rotary Converters


Ratio Ea/ Ed


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